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It's the Sound of Your World Changing Forever

Generation We - the Millennials - has arrived. They have emerged as a powerful political and social force. Their huge numbers and progressive attitudes are already changing America. And the world.
Generation WE wins prestigious 2009 Montaigne Medal for the most thought- provoking book of 2009

"In my travels around the world, I have been very impressed by today's young people. They are smart, caring, creative, and generous. I share the hope expressed by Greenberg and Weber that this new generation will help re-orient our planet and conquer the problems of poverty, war, and pollution that currently plague it."

Muhammad Yunus Founder of Grameen Bank and Co-Winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize

"Energy, health care, national security, the environment—these are just some of the issues where Americans are hungry for solutions rather than slogans and posturing. I see hope in the fact that, as Greenberg and Weber detail in this important book, America's next generation will be prepared to help lead the search for real answers."

U.S. Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate

"In a political world poisoned by cynicism and spin, the idealism, optimism, commitment, and energy of the Millennial generation offer an inspiring antidote. With their independent thinking and their readiness to abandon the partisan wars we've been fighting for too long, today's young people are poised to lead a worldwide revolution. Generation We captures this transformational moment with insight and clarity."

Arianna Huffington, Founder The Huffington Post